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Experts in AI and Nocode, trainers,
consultants, designers and developers
Nocode, we aspire to make the
digital professions accessible to all, and to
simplify the digitalization of businesses.
Our innovative team is dedicated to
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Éric Gautier, from space to Nocode, his goal: to stay ahead of the game!

We profile Eric Gautier, a 52-year-old who has always been ahead of his time!
Nocode for Business

Samir Bouhassoun on entrepreneurship and innovation

As part of Nocode Série n°13 on November 16, Samir Bouhassoun, co-founder of Gyfti, shared his entrepreneurial experience, highlighting the journey and challenges of setting up a business.
Nocode for Business

PROFILE - Sara Mouasni, from immunology researcher to Nocode Ops

This week's profile is of Sara Mouasni, a 31-year-old with a doctorate and a busy start to her career!
Nocode training

Mobile app vs Web app

Discover the differences between native applications and web apps (performance, cost, ...), and how Nocode platforms accelerate their development.

Portrait of Baptiste Wallerich, SEO expert

This week we profile Baptiste Wallerich, a 31-year-old entrepreneur and SEO expert. His secret? Perseverance!
Nocode training

Airtable London Event - 2nd edition was present at the Airtable London Event on November 8, among 200 people. Here is a summary of the announcements.
Nocode news

Portrait of Brice Rivière Dolly, Nocode developer

This week we profile Brice Rivière Dolly, a 25-year-old father of 2 with a busy start to his career. Passionate about website design, he joined the fourth class.
Nocode training

Baroscope: Nocode raises $247.5 million in Q3 2023

With a quieter third quarter than the previous one, Nocode raised $247.5 million with 15 rounds of financing.
Nocode news

Bubble vs WeWeb: Which Nocode tool to choose?

With the Nocode market in constant evolution, discover a comparative analysis of the two platforms, highlighting their ability to facilitate the creation of web applications. Find the tool that matches your ambitions and get started on your projects.

BubbleCon 2023: was there!

At BubbleCon, Bubble co-founders Josh and Emmanuel announced new features for the platform. Summary of the announcements in the article.
Nocode news
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