Decode the
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Experts in AI and Nocode, trainers,
consultants, designers and developers
Nocode, we aspire to make the
digital professions accessible to all, and to
simplify the digitalization of businesses.
Our innovative team is dedicated to
researching and testing new tools. 
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Airtable vs Baserow: Which tool to choose in 2024?

Airtable and Baserow are two distinct Nocode platforms; understanding their nuances is crucial to choosing the one best suited to your needs. Each tool has its own characteristics that may influence your decision.

Mastering AI: Which online training course should you choose?

AI is transforming the job market; in this article, helps you choose online training courses to get started, whatever your sector.
Nocode & AI

NoCode & AI: A bet for entrepreneurship or the art of reinventing your career

From online training to entrepreneurial freedom, Mayeul Huber relies on AI & NoCode for a clearly defined goal: independence and innovation.
Nocode & AI

n8n vs Make (ex-Integromat) vs Zapier

Automate processes, yes, but which tool should you choose?

Patrick Benayoun: An innovative entrepreneur in the age of Nocode & AI

This week we profile Patrick Benayoun, a multi-talented entrepreneur who totally embodies the spirit of innovation and perseverance. 🚀
Nocode & AI

Maï Salaün: Integrating NoCode for innovative real estate practice

This week we profile Maï Salaün, a multi-faceted professional who successfully navigated a variety of industries before turning to innovation and entrepreneurship. 🚀
Nocode training

Olivier Haas:'s first NoCode & AI graduate!

Olivier Haas, 55, a multi-talented entrepreneur, is the first to complete the 30h NoCode & AI online training course by!
Nocode & AI

Séverine Oukoulou: A DJ in the world of Nocode!

This week, we profile Séverine Oukoulou, 33, NoCode Factory Manager at 
Nocode for Business

Mehdi Zaaboub Ammar, from video game development to NoCode

This week, we profile Mehdi Zaaboub Ammar, a 24-year-old NoCode Developer at
Nocode training

Sam Goda, Senior Product Manager, from architecture to Nocode, he has more than one string to his bow!

From the Musée National de la Marine to Bubble, meet Sam Goda, Senior Product Manager at
Nocode for Business
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