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Experts in AI and Nocode, trainers,
consultants, designers and developers
Nocode, we aspire to make the
digital professions accessible to all, and to
simplify the digitalization of businesses.
Our innovative team is dedicated to
researching and testing new tools. 
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Slack and Productivity: best practices

Slack is a wonderful tool for collaboration and synchronous communication both internally and externally. But Slack can also be a disruptive tool that hinders employee productivity and focus.
Nocode for Business

Focus on Claire Bretton: Godmother of's first class

Claire Bretton is the creator of an innovative eCommerce solution and is passionate about entrepreneurship and Nocode. She has been chosen to sponsor the first class of students at the Alegria Academy. Here's a look back at her dazzling career.
Nocode training

Meet Camille, the trainer who deciphers content trends

Literary, (almost) globetrotter and curious about everything, Camille does not have a classic background and nothing destined her for a future as a Tech influencer. Design, tourism and Portugal: this is the rule of three for Camille Blanchod, trainer at the
Nocode training

Welkeys: Design rush awards Alegria for website creation

Design Rush awards the most influential digital designers. By trusting to create its webapp, Welkeys is now included in the "The Best Luxury Website Designs" selection.
Nocode for Business

Nocode: how to become as agile as a startup

Startups envy large corporations for their market share and large corporations admire startups time to market. How could they become as agile as them?

Freelance vs CDI: Trends in 2023

Are you torn between a permanent contract and freelance status? We explain the differences and subtleties to help you make your choice.

Nocode, no-code or no code? How should it be written?

As Nocode explodes, with over 4.7 billion raised in 2021 worldwide, a debate rages in the community, how to spell "Nocode"?

Training & disability: Equal access to education

Making choices about orientation and academic pathways is not easy and students are confronted with it at an early age.
Nocode training

Nocode and templates: save time and find ideas easily

Nocode tools bring together large communities around their use. In France, one of the largest communities of Nocode users is gathered under the Slack Nocode France channel. In order to facilitate the work of others, many professional Nocode makers offer templates.

Integromat got themselves a rebranding: Make

Our automation partner, Integromat, has just announced its name change. Integromat has become Make. But how can we explain this new direction?
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