Boost your sales performance with

From lead management to contract signing: automate all your sales processes and free up your team's time to really do sales.

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Use cases for finance

Churn prediction

Be informed at the right time when a customer is about to be lost.

Keeping a customer is much more profitable than acquiring another.

360° View & Reporting

Marketing, Sales, CX: centralize all your data to have a consolidated view and better prioritize the actions of the sales team.

Avoid any overlap and save time.

Intent based sales

Identify strong signals that match your KPI to reach your prospects at the right time.

Notify your sales people on Slack or on your internal communication tools.

Lead management

Lead collection, enrichment and distribution: automate all stages of new lead management.

Manage more leads, faster.

Nocode tools

Workato allows you to build and automate workflows throughout your organization
n8n is an open source Nocode solution that allows you to create intuitive workflows and automate workflows with or without code.
Make allows you to build and automate within the same visual platform

Benefit from
the experience of the Europeanleader

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