Decode the
blog of

Experts in AI and Nocode, trainers,
consultants, designers and developers
Nocode, we aspire to make the
digital professions accessible to all, and to
simplify the digitalization of businesses.
Our innovative team is dedicated to
researching and testing new tools. 
Working with us
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Podcast #1 - Decoding the Nocode

The hot news of the Nocode, it's every week on the blog and social networks, and all, in only 2 minutes! ⏱ For this 1st edition, we talk about Webflow and Integromat 🙌
Nocode news

5 tips for optimising your space Notion

PODCAST #2 - Hot news from the Nocode, it's every week on the blog and social networks, and all in just 2 minutes flat! ⏱ For this 2nd edition, we decode five tips to optimize your Notion space 🙌

Nocode Baroscope: $1 billion already raised in Q1

In 2021, Nocode is undoubtedly the lever that will enable French companies to bounce back and be ever more competitive. According to Gartner, by 2024, 500 million applications will be created.
Nocode news makes 3 commitments to the climate

At, we have committed ourselves by signing the #ClimateAct, a collective of more than 100 growing companies that are making a concrete commitment to the climate.
Nocode news raises €500k to unleash innovation in French companies using Nocode

As the first 100% Nocode agency in France, continues to democratise this new technology thanks to the support of several renowned investors in the French tech sector.
Nocode news

Organising the agile Nocode agency of the future

Christelle Curcio, CMO (Chief Makers Officer) was at the microphone of Alexis Kovalenko of >Contournement> to talk about the agile organization of Nocode within the Nocode agency
Nocode news

2021 will be the year of the Nocode!

In 2021, three essential tools for any Maker will compete in the ring: Airtable Bubble Webflow. They are the stars of the next few years! ✨
Nocode news

What is Nocode project management?

Nocode allows you to accelerate your digital projects, but you should not rush and burn the steps necessary for their success 🤯
Nocode training

We are recruiting 35 people! All our ads on Welcome to the jungle

We are now looking for 35 talents ready to participate in the democratisation of Nocode in companies. Join us!
Nocode news

The art of bouncing back in times of crisis!

Francis Lelong, co-founder and CEO of explains how, as an entrepreneur, he bounced back thanks to #Nocode 🚀.
Nocode for Business
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digital project ?
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