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Experts in AI and Nocode, trainers,
consultants, designers and developers
Nocode, we aspire to make the
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simplify the digitalization of businesses.
Our innovative team is dedicated to
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Glide vs Appsheet

While Glide and Appsheet allow you to develop mobile and desktop applications with ease based on data from spreadsheets like Excel or Google Sheets, it's important to understand the differences between the two tools before making your choice.

What is Google AppSheet and when to use it?

Find out in this guide what AppSheet is, Google's Nocode mobile app creation solution, its key features, and the use cases where you should resort to this solution. A powerful tool that is relatively easy to use.

What is low-code | The Complete Guide 2023

Here we will focus on low-code. What are we talking about? What are the advantages and disadvantages of low-code tools? Who are the users? What can we do with these platforms? In short, exciting stuff!
Nocode training

Nocode 2022 Baroscope: 2.7 billion raised worldwide

Another big year for Nocode in 2022 with $2.7B raised by 103 companies. While the total amount is lower than in 2021, the number of Nocode companies that raised funds increased by 10%.
Nocode news

Confluence vs Notion

We zoom in on two market-leading project management tools to better guide you in your choices: Confluence and Notion.

Wix vs Shopify: Which platform to choose in 2023?

Choosing the right e-commerce platform to sell your products online is crucial for the success of your business. Let's take a look at the main differences between the two tools.

Asana vs Notion

Learn the pros and cons of Asana and Notion to choose the best project management solution for your business.

Notion vs Airtable

Notion and Airtable are the two major Nocode references when it comes to project management. So how to choose the right tool? Do they cover the same use cases?

Webflow vs Bubble: Which Nocode tool to choose in 2023? In which context?

In the Nocode, we often compare Webflow and Bubble. However, the two editors have a very different positioning. We will see in this article when to use Webflow rather than Bubble and vice versa.

Airtable vs Google Sheets

For the past few years, Airtable has been riding the growing popularity of Nocode and has become a must-have tool for companies - of all sizes. The tool is more and more compared to Google Sheets since at a glance, the interfaces are very similar. There are rows, columns and cells. However, the tools are in essence very different. This is what we will see here in this Airtable vs Google Sheet comparison
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